mouse package

Mouse Record package, a cheap, modular, behavior recording program


The Mouse Record package is designed for the ease of recording and singling out desired behavior of rodents, namely the events of interest in reward-stimulus studies. Using these events as triggers (e.g., the press of a lever), the program records the user-specified time before and after a desired event. In addition to its primary recording feature, the package contains two auxiliary programs that provide a preview of the camera and take a photo of the background for ease of setup purposes. Additionally, the package operates on a Raspberry Pi-based system, providing a cheaper alternative than conventional recording apparatus used in behavioral studies.

Standard Install

To install, use standard python installation procedure:

python install

Additionally, the program requires installation of _setuptools



Enter the following into the terminal to install the program:

git clone
cd mouse_record
python develop


To update the program, first specify the directory to where the mouse_record file is saved to. Then, enter the git pull command. An example is provided as follows:

git pull

This will ensure that the software is up-to-date.


Enter the following into the terminal to install the program:

python develop --uninstall


When testing the program, the user should move to the directory to where the mouse_record file is located. Then enter the following command:

python test


Documentation can be built from source on any platform easily. Just run the following command.

python build_sphinx

This will generate HTML documentation, which can be open using this file build/sphinx/html/index.html in the current directory.

For more build options, simply run the following command.

python build_sphinx --help

Other build targets can be specified using the -b or --builder option. Beyond the standard options that Sphinx provides, we add the pdf option.

Alternatively, if one does not wish to use, one can use a Makefile or make.bat on Windows in the docs/ directory to generate documentation. To do this enter the docs/ directory. A number of different formats can be used. However, the design target is HTML. To build the HTML docs, enter the following command.

make html

Then, open the file _build/html/index.html within the docs/ directory.

A list of other build targets is provided by running the following command.

make help

If you wish to clean all of the generated documentation, simply run the following command.

make clean


To clean up all build products, one can use the clean option. This will eliminate all intermediates used to build. This has been amended to include picking up documentation build intermediates. The syntax is shown below.

python clean

If this is not sufficient, and one wishes to eliminate the final products, as well. This can be done with the flag -a or --all. This adjustment to the syntax is shown below.

python clean --all


Picture Usage

Execution of the program consists of the program name and a single argument, the directory in which the picture is to be saved into.

mouse-picture ~/Destkop

Preview Usage

Execution of the program consists of the program name and a single argument: the time desired length of the camera preview (in seconds). Additionally, the user can exit at any time by entering Ctrl + c

mouse-preview 60

Record Usage

Execution of the program consists of the program name and respectve arguments: time to record before trigger event (in seconds), time to record after (in seconds), and directory of the file to be saved into. By default, this uses GPIO port 27. However, a different one could be selected using the -p or --port option to specify it. An example is shown below:

sudo mouse-record 2 2 /home/pi/Desktop

Also, as mentioned before, the program will end when a ``KeyboardInterrupt``(Ctrl + c) is entered into the terminal.